Thoroughly enjoyed that, Clara. Relations in Oxford between ‘town and gown’ have a long history, but that brawl takes some beating, lol! For me, the only drunken cockup that compares with the White Ship is that of Shakespeare’s birthday binge with Ben Jonsson. I’ve often wondered whether his life might have been prolonged had he stayed home that night.

On the lighter side of drinking, one story I’ve always enjoyed is that of poor Sir Thomas Blount, who was hanged, drawn and quartered for his role in the Windsor Plot against Henry IV. On being asked by his executioner after his disembowelling if he would like a drink, Blount replied, ‘no, you have taken away wherein to put it.’ Pure brilliance!

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I VERY almost included Shakespeare. Alas, poor William. And that story of Blount is extraordinary! It reminds me of the famous (alleged) last words of St. Lawrence... Got to hand it to them for having a sense of humour when faced with such a grisly end!

Thanks so much for giving the article a read and a like!

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